UberTwitter ver0.964 #part3 Posted by Ichigo
今月20日に公開されたベータ7(v0.960)に続き、昨日 v0.964が公開されたUberTwitter。
-Picture/Video Chooser - Modified to be much quicker and sort newest files to the top. Once BlackBerry fixes the bug in 5.0 which prevents us from using their built-in chooser, we will switch to that which will provide thumbnails
今のところ、ポスト画面を開きメニュー/Add Pictureを選択するとファイル一覧がポップアップする。
ファイルにフォーカスを合わせメニュー/Preview Photoで画像確認を行う。
-Viewing TwitLonger Tweets - Fixed bug where longer tweets were getting cut off
-Copy/Paste Links - Fixed a bug where when you copied/pasted a link from a tweet it would end up pasting the entire link.ポスト内のリンクや語句をコピーした際、ポスト内容のすべてをクリックボードへ送っていた事の修正。
-Avatar Uploads - Fixed a bug where some users avatar uploads would consistently fail.
一部のアバターが非表示 になっていた不具合の修正。
-Flickr Image Support - Now support in-line thumbnails and viewing of Flickr images.
-TwitGoo - Now support in-line thumbnails and viewing of TwitGoo images.Flickr/TwitGooへアップロードされた画像も画像URLに加えてインラインサムネイル(TL上での縮小画像表示)に対応。
●Uber Barのタブ選択を可能に
-Pressing Enter on Uber Bar - Pressing ENTER on the Uber Bar will now select the tab.
●Friend Pickerの不具合修正
-Friend Picker - Fixed a bug where the friend picker would sometimes not show up when pressing '@'
-Battery Drain - Fixed a bug where failures to load your friends list would significantly drain the battery.
-Short-cut to Email a Tweet - press 'z' to email a tweet
-Spurious reboots/White Screens - Through painstaking tests with our test group we tracked down the issue that was causing spurious reboots and instability for some users.
-WiFi Only Fix - Fixed a bug where users with no data plan were unable to use the wifi only mode.
●Reply All時のユーザー名取得不具合の修正
-Reply All and underscores - Fixed a bug in reply-all where users with an underscore were not getting copied properly.
●Load More 読み込み時の負荷の軽減
-Load More on list timelines - Fixed the 'load more' button so it actually works at the bottom of list timelines
TL画面最下「Load More」を選択した際の読み込みの重さを軽減したとの事。
-www.twitpic.com URL now supported - Now support www.twitpic.com for preview and image views.
-New Style Retweets Truncated - Fixed bug where new style retweets would sometimes be truncated if the original tweet was close to 140 characters
-Sponsored Content - Changed sponsored content 'bubbles' to look different then regular tweets.
-GPS failures - Fixed an issue where the built-in GPS would not be used for location.
-Focus switch to tweet text - Changed the focus to be the tweet text and not the avatar when opening a tweet
-Added Cancel to retweet dialog - Added the option to select 'cancel' when being asked whether to use the new or old retweet method.
-Inability to delete tweets less than 15 characters - Fixed the bug where you couldn't delete tweets less than 15 characters.
-Adding account to account list - Fixed bug where adding a new account didn't immediately show up in the account list.
-BirdNext Proxy Bug - Fixed a bug so that the Bird Next proxy will now work when posting tweets
-Exceptions when permissions were not granted - Fixed numerous issues which would be triggered if the application didn't have adequate permissions.
・UberTwitter ver0.945 #part1
・UberTwitter ver0.945 #part2
・UberTwitter v0.905のGPS機能
・UberTwitter v0.905