
UberTwitter β4の広告バナーがOFFに

Twitterのポストより@UberTwitter We will be turning the ads in UberTwitter off until we can offer an ad-free option, we have heard you all loud and clear! Ads are now off, select 'exit', then re-enter uber, it will retrv one more ad, then …

BlackBerry Bluetooth watch 登場か?

★Rumor: BlackBerry Bluetooth watch coming soon | BlackBerry Cool Back at WES 2009, the VP of RIM Antoine Boucher, confirmed the upcoming BlackBerry Bluetooth Headset and apparently let it slip that a Bluetooth watch was in development.The …

Free E2 Today Theme for BlackBerry Bold

ブラック基調のテーマがフリーで公開されています アイコンの配置が面白いですね ★Free E2 Today Theme for BlackBerry Bold 9000 OTA Download | PocketBerry

UberTwitter Beta-4リリース続報

UberTwitter Beta-4がリリースされています。 主なリリース内容は以下のとおり。 ・Multiple Accounts - You can now configure multiple accounts, each with their own set of on-device preferences. ・You can now BLOCK people! ・Video Integration - …